The school is serviced by two bus services - South Dulacca with a North extension (P1001) and Jackson (P512).
School Transport Assistance is available for children who live more than 3.2 kilometres by the shortest trafficable route from the nearest primary school. Families may be eligible for conveyance allowance if they drive their children to school or to a bus service. Conditions and application forms may be obtained from the Queensland Transport Department.
Children are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour and safety on the bus.
A designated bus zone exists at the eastern entrance of the school grounds.
Parents wanting their kindy child travelling on the bus will need to contact the prospective bus company as this is a private arrangement. Authority to collect forms for the kindy student will also need to reflect this arrangement
Each bus route has a Conveyance .Committee which meets at advertised times through the year.
Bus duty
Children who travel by bus as supervised before and after school. On the occasions there is a change in routine for student travel on the bus, please advise the school via phone call or text.
Bus times
Arrives at school | 8.35am
| 7.55am | 8.16am |
Departs from school | 3.10pm | 3.42pm | 3.20pm |
Bus contacts
P1001 | Allan Rouse Allan Haslop
| 0432410772 0427276158
P512 | Ken Brown
| Mobile 0418 192631 |